Ulei de masline aromat pentru salate

17 iulie 2011Diva in Bucatarie

Ulei de masline aromat

Ulei de masline aromat pentru salate

Daca vi se pare ca uleiul de masline aromat din supermarket este prea scump, puteti prepara acasa cu usurinta, folosind ierburi in functie de gust sau preferinte.


ulei de masline
1-2 ardei iuti
1 crenguta rozmarin
1 crenguta busuioc
2 crengute cimbrisor
1 crenguta frunze menta
1 lingurita boabe de piper
1/2 lingurita boabe de mustar

Mod de preparare ulei de masline aromat pentru salate:

Punem ingredientele in sticla, apoi punem dopul. Lasam uleiul timp de o saptamana (cel putin) inainte sa il folosim, astfel incat aroma ierburilor sa „parfumeze” uleiul.
Ar fi bine sa il pastram in intuneric, la temperatura camerei. Il vom folosi la salate sau orice tip de mancare aromata dorim sa preparam.

Pofta buna!

English version:
Aromatic oil – for salads

If you think that the flavor of supermarket olive oil is too expensive, you can prepare easily at home using herbs according to taste or preference.


olive oil
1-2 chilies
1 sprig rosemary
1 sprig basil
2 sprigs thyme
1 sprig mint leaves
one teaspoon pepper
1 / 2 teaspoon mustard seeds


Place ingredients in glass cruet and seal with stopper. Let the flavors seep into the oil for at least a week before using. This will give the herbs the time needed to “perfume” oil.

Store in a dark corner at room temperature. Use in salads or other foods we want aromatic flavors.

Enjoy your meal!

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0 răspunsuri

  1. Chiar ma gandeam si eu la varianta asta, am vazut odata la un restaurant in Grecia chestia asta, dar ma intrebam oare cat tine…? Adica dupa o vreme daca nu-l folosesti rapid,nu prinde gust rau ?

    1. Si eu fac un otet aromat ff bun! Chiar vroiam sa il pun saptamanile viitoare… O seara frumoasa iti doresc!

  2. Foarte interesanta reteta. Mai ales ca am o mare problema cu gustul uleiului clasic de masline. Si imi place ca folosesti ingrediente naturale, verzi.

  3. Greetings:

    Here is an English translation of sorts. Enjoy!



    Aromatic oil – for salads

    posted by ved sauces

    If you think that the flavor of supermarket olive oil is too expensive, you can prepare easily at home using herbs according to taste or preference.


    olive oil
    1-2 chilies
    1 sprig rosemary
    1 sprig basil
    2 sprigs thyme
    1 sprig mint leaves
    1 teaspoon pepper
    1 / 2 teaspoon mustard seeds


    Place ingredients in glass cruet and seal with stopper. Let the flavors seep into the oil for at least a week before using. This will give the herbs the time needed to „perfume” oil.

    Store in a dark corner at room temperature. Use in salads or other foods we want aromatic flavors.

    Enjoy your meal!


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